This week I drove to the beautiful seaside town of Merimbula to give a workshop to the Writers of the Far South Coast, organised by the amazing Amanda Dalziel who worked tirelessly to make sure the event was a success.
The workshop: Creating Compelling Characters, ran smoothly thanks to Amanda’s great organisational skills.
Here’s some of the feedback from participants:
“Chris provided the tools I am looking for. Vital keys to character development. Resource use was excellent.”
“Thanks. I’ve solved a few problems in my work. It was a shame it wasn’t a longer workshop, like a whole weekend.”
“Interesting & insightful.”
“Chris has an engaging presentation style. He is very natural but what I really enjoyed was his excellent use of examples to illustrate his point. Thanks – learnt a lot today.”
“Interesting Presentation – Variety. Attention sustained. Sing us a song, Piano Man. Story structure diagram. Videos – empathy with characters at beginning and/or end. Whiteboard used effectively and responses. Thankyou.”
-Rosslyn Thomas
“Thought provoking with very relevant direct ideas on effective characterisation.”
“Excellent presentation! I found that Chris had highly worthwhile ideas for construction & development of characters as well as tips for enriching how well you have gone with your writing of such.”
“Going through the questions about character/needs & wants, etc. brought me to a realisation of what I need to do with a story that I’m stuck on. Thank you Chris! The main conflict in my story is what the protagonist sees as her life and how her life really is & finally the realisation of what she needs. Very good.”
“I found the workshop helpful and will take a lot away with me. Activities help to cement ideas.”
“I have a whole universe stored away in the recesses of my mind and a line-up of characters that have lives of their own… they just won’t cooperate and be written down on paper. Chris has made me realise that I don’t have to tell the whole story all at once and that testing the waters with a short story involving my universe and its characters is better than an epic trilogy, at least for now.”

You can find more information about the Writers of the Far South Coast online.